Book Discussions

2017 And How Books Factor In

Hello, everyone! It is finally 2017, and wow, what a year 2016 was! If you think anywhere along the same vein as me, 2016 was a crap-fest the equivalent of watching all of your favorite books burn. In other words, completely soul crushing. But enough about the dreary past, it’s time to look towards the bright future! The bright bookish future, at that!

So first, a little reflection time. I noticed that throughout the last year, I didn’t have a lot of time to read. Which is fine, life happens. What isn’t fine was the fact that when I did have time to read, I wasn’t reading for myself. I was reading for challenges and forcing myself through books I didn’t particularly enjoy or weren’t as long as I liked, just to hit my reading goal. And even then I didn’t hit it.

So this year, it’s a whole new book game.

First of all, my priorities are getting a big turn around. I’m going to start reading for myself first and foremost. Life is too short to be reading bad books, and if I don’t want to read something or I can’t read as fast or as often as I want, I’m not going to feel bad about it.

Secondly, I’m going to share my love of books! Sometimes I don’t want to share what I’m reading across my social media platforms because either the book isn’t well known or well liked, or everyone has already read it, etc. Anyway, this isn’t going to be me.

Can I get a ‘HECK YEAH!’ for reading unapologetically?!

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